1. If the Worksnaps client installed normally, but it cannot connect to the server always and appear the below prompt dialog.
2. The root cause is “Winsock” issue. It is Windows system package updated incorrectly.
3. You can check if any updated error in WindowsUpdate.log file.
4. How to collect the WindowsUpdate.log file:
(1) Click the "Start" Button, type "WindowsUpdate.log" (without the quotes) in the Search Bar and Press Enter. We will see a file named "WindowsUpdate.log".
(2) Now click on the "File" menu and then click on the "Save As".
(3) From the left panel, click "Desktop" and click the Save button.
5. Open WindowsUpdate.log to check if have the error 0x8007273dor others
2009-11-03 10:45:14:350 900 6f4 Misc WARNING: WinHttp: SendRequestUsingProxy failed for <http://test.update.microsoft.com/win7_prerelease/windowsupdate/redir/win7wuredir.cab>. error 0x8007273d
2009-11-03 10:45:14:350 900 6f4 Misc WARNING: WinHttp: SendRequestToServerForFileInformationMakeRequest failed. error0x8007273d
6. If you find the error in log, you can try to reset the Winsock to troubleshoot.
7. How to Reset Winsock:
Please use the following instruction to reset Winsock based on the Windows version you are using --