Step 1 - Get a connection with Taiga

1. In Worksnaps, go to Profile & Settings >> 3rd-Party Integration >> Taiga, Switch Taiga Integration to Yes (Figure 1), input Taiga URL, Taiga Login and Taiga Password value in corresponding input field. (Please input not in Taiga URL field).

 Figure 1 

2. Then click the button Test Connection and pop up Test Connection window (Figure 2), and click Start Test button, Show The connection succeeded (Figure 3). and you can Click Save Configuration button to save connection information

  Figure 2

  Figure 3

Step 2 - Sync Projects and Tasks from Taiga

Once you have established connection with Taiga, you can click the link to sync projects and tasks with Taiga (Figure 4). 


    Figure 4

A wizard will guide you through the process to import projects and tasks from Taiga (Figure 5,6,7,8, and 9).


 Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7 

 Figure 8

Once a project is imported and the logged time is synchronized, you should be able to see it on Manage >> Manage Projects page and you will be able to log time to the project.