If you upgrade your Mac OS to OSX 10.15 (Catalina), OSX 11 (Big Sur), OSX 12 (Monterey), OSX 13 (Ventura), OSX 14 (Sonoma) and OSX 15 (Sequoia) and you see message "Unable to load Java Runtime Environment" (Figure 1) message when launching Worksnaps client at first time, it is because the Java environment is not compatible with OSX 10.15 or OSX 11 and above anymore. In this case, please follow the below steps to install Java.
If you can start Worksnaps Client successfully, please skip to Step 8 for a few extra things that need to be configured.
Figure 1
1 Open www.java.com site in your browser and click "Java Download" to download Java package and install it.
Figure 2
2 If you are prompted the message "Java xxx can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software", please click OK button.
Figure 3
3 Open Security & Privacy -> General dialog, you will see a message about the Java you just tried to install, click "Open Anyway".
Figure 4
4 You will be prompted the following dialog again. Click Open button this time to continue install.
Figure 5
5 When you see the license agreement, click Install button.
Figure 6
6 Wait until Java to be installed successfully.
Figure 7
7 After Java is installed successfully, launch Worksnaps Client again. Please input your login and password to login.
Figure 8
Once you are able to launch Worksnaps Client, there are a few things that will happen and need your configuration.
8 Since the new security policy in OSX 10.15 or OSX 11 and above, you need to answer a prompt from OSX system to allow Worksnaps client to capture screen. Without the permission from you, only the background of your screen will be captured (i.e., no application window will be captured.)
When you see the Screen Recording prompt dialog, please click Open System Preferences button.
Figure 9
9 If in step 8 you click Deny button, you can still manually open System Preferences -> Security & Privacy to perform this step.
Figure 10
10 Find Screen & System Audio Recording under Privacy & Settings. Then on the right pane, toggle on Worksnaps Client to grant it permission to capture screen.
Figure 11
11 Now you will see another prompt as below. Please click "Later" button then Worksnaps Client will be able to capture screen. (Although the message says Worksnaps Client will not be able to record the contents of your screen until it is quit, it is not true. You do not have to quit it by clicking "Quit Now". So, simply click "Later" will make it work.)
Figure 12
12 You need to enable Accessibility for Worksnaps Client also, otherwise, the Worksnaps client cannot capture keyword event, it can capture mouse event only. Under Privacy & Settings find Accessibility. Then on the right pane, toggle on Worksnaps Client to grant it permission to capture screen.(Figure 13)
Figure 13
(The following steps are needed if you capture your webcam images)
13 If you enabled webcam in Worksnaps client. It will prompt the camera access permission prompt dialog at the first time Worksnaps Client tries to capture webcam. You need to click OK button.
Figure 14
14 If you click "Don't Allow", you can open System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Camera and toggle on Worksnaps Client. Once this is done, the web cam image can be captured by Worksnaps Client program.
Figure 15