If you have any issue connecting to Worksnaps server, for example, you cannot open in your browser, please use the following steps to collect the diagnosis information and send the information to support@worksnaps.net so that we can check the issue.
- Open a DOS command line window and type in the following command (for how to open a DOS command line window, please refer to this article --http://www.computerhope.com/issues/chdos.htm) --
For MAC and Linux users, you can just open a Terminal window instead.
ping www.worksnaps.net
Capture the output of the command.
- Open a DOS command line window and type in the following command --
tracert www.worksnaps.net
For MAC and Linux users, the command will be slightly different -- traceroute www.worksnaps.net
Capture the output of the command.
- Open a browser window and go to one of the following address --
The page will show your IP address at the top of the page. Copy the IP address.
Please send the above information to support@worksnaps.net.