[Current Status]

  The Service is operating normally  

[Previous Status]

 Service Interruption  (Resolved)

[3:10am GMT 02/22/2025]

We are experience server issue in our data center. The service is temporarily not available. We are working to identify the issue and resolve it as soon as we can.

[6:30am GMT 02/22/2025]

Unfortunately the issue still persists. The data center is experiencing network connectivity issue and is working to fix it.

[9:30am GMT 02/22/2025]

We apologize for the continuing outage. We will update the status as we work with our data center operator. 

[11:30pm GMT 02/22/2025]

Unfortunately the issue still persists. We haven't gotten much update from upstream network provider which is the source of the issue. 

Meanwhile we are working on an alternate way to restore the service. But it will take a bit of time to set up all the server nodes and the various components. We are trying to finish it as soon as we can.


[9:30am GMT 02/23/2025]

We managed to migrate the servers to a new data center and get the service up running. We are closely monitoring the health of the system. 

For the users that could not log in during the down time in the past day when the outage occurred, please add the offline time for the missing hours. Here is a help document on how to do so -- https://worksnaps.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/4000034551-how-to-add-offline-time-for-yourself- )

 Service Interruption  (Resolved) 

[12:10pm GMT 01/23/2025]

We are experience server issue in our data center. The service is temporarily not available. We are working to identify the issue and resolve it as soon as we can.

[12:55pm GMT 01/23/2025]

The service has been restored. We are actively monitoring the health of the system. 

If you already logged in with Worksnaps Client before the outage happened, the logged time should be intact despite the outage. However, during the outage, users were be able to log in.

[1:15pm GMT 01/23/2025]

The service is operating normally now. You should be able to log in and log time, as well as access the web console. 

For the users that could not log in during the down time (between 11:25am and 12:45pm 01/23/2025 GMT), please add the  offline time for the missing hours. Here is a help document on how to do so -- https://worksnaps.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/4000034551-how-to-add-offline-time-for-yourself- )

[1:25pm GMT 01/23/2025]

The datacenter has issue again. We apologize for this happening again after coming back online. 

We are contacting our hosting provider on the issue. 

[3:30pm GMT 01/23/2025]

The service just came back online. We are monitoring its health. 

 Service Interruption  (Resolved)

[1:50am GMT 01/09/2025]

We are experience server issue in our data center. The service is temporarily not available. We are working to identify the issue and resolve it as soon as we can.

[3:00am GMT 01/09/2025]

The issue was caused by the network issue in our host's Los Angeles datacenter. We are keeping close contact with our host company on the development. 

[8:16am GMT 01/09/2025]

We apologize for the extended down time. We are still working on the issue. 

[11:25am GMT 01/09/2025]

The service has been restored and we are monitoring its health. The issue was due to a severe network interruption in our hosting company located in Los Angeles. We had to re-create the server cluster in another location. Although we tried to work as quickly as we can, we apologize for the extensive down time. 

Most users experienced missing time or inability to log onto the service to log time. Please kindly inform your manager about this incidence and explain that your missing time is due to the service outage. If you are allowed by your manager to add offline time, please follow this instruction to add offline time to claim the missing hours -- https://worksnaps.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/4000034551-how-to-add-offline-time-for-yourself-. If you are not allowed by your manager to add offline time, please ask your manager to add the time for you. 

 Service Interruption   (Resolved) 

[21:25 pm GMT 10/11/2024]

We are experience network issues in our data center now. The service is not available. We are working to identify and fix the issue. We will post any update on the progress here.

[23:25 pm GMT 10/11/2024]

The network issue in our data center has been fixed. The service is operational now. 

We are actively monitoring the health of the service. 

 Service Interruption   (Resolved) 

[12:40am GMT 05/20/2024]

We are experience network issues in our data center now. The service is not available. We are working to identify and fix the issue. We will post any update on the progress here.

[2:45am GMT 05/20/2024]

We have fixed the issue and the service should be running normally now. We are monitoring the health of the system. 

 Service Interruption   (Resolved)

[01:20am GMT 03/25/2024]

We experienced some temporary service disruption due to network issue in our data center around 12:00am GMT 03/25/2024. This has cause the service to be temporarily unstable. Some users were not able to log time and others saw no time logged. 

We have mitigated the issue and the service should be up now. We are monitoring the health of the service now. If you are already logged into Worksnaps Client, your logged time should appear shortly and you can continue to log time without doing anything. If you were not able to log in, you can try to log in now. 

 Delay in Processing Screenshots   (Resolved)

[10:30am GMT 01/09/2024]

We are experiencing some delays in processing the screenshots and marking the time slots to be active. The users now see many time slots in "Pending" state. We are working to solve the issue. Once the processing job catches up, those "Pending" time slots will be processed, and the users' logged time will be updated. 

The users should be able to log time as usual. 

 Service Outage   (Resolved)

[1:30pm GMT 11/03/2023]

There is a network issue with one of our servers which caused the service unavailability. 

Some users experience long delay or hanging when logging in with Worksnaps Client. Some users do not have their time logged and shown in the web console.

[2:20pm GMT 11/03/2023]

Our system admin has identified the network issue and is working with our data center operator to resolve it. We apologize for the issue encountered.

[3:30pm GMT 11/03/2023]

We have resolved the network issue and the service is back to normal. Users should be able to log in and/or continue to log time now.

[4:45pm GMT 11/03/2023]

Update: Some users were still experience hanging/slowness issue. We have discovered a small-scale DDoS attack on one of our servers. We have brought the server offline to mitigate the issue. 

[5:05 pm GMT 11/03/2023]

The issue has been resolved and we are actively monitoring the system health. 

For those users who have missing time, please add offline time to claim the missing logged hours. 

 Service Outage    (Resolved)

[8:03am GMT 04/06/2023]

There is a network issue with one of our servers which caused the service unavailability. We are working on resolving the problem.

[9:03am GMT 04/06/2023]

Our system admin is working with our data center operator to resolve to resolve the network issue. We apologize for the issue encountered.

[10:10am GMT 04/06/2023]

The network in the data center has been restored.  Our service is up now and users should be able to log into Worksnaps Client and the web console. The users who were already logging time during the outage will see their screenshots logged during the outage uploaded to the server. However, due to the influx of a large number of requests after the outage, there is a delay in processing those screenshots. Therefore you will see a number of "Pending" screenshots. They will be processed after some time. 

We are closely monitoring the health of the service. 

[10:50am GMT 04/06/2023]

The service is back to normal. The pending screenshots are still being processed to catch up with the current time. 

NOTE -- The users who were already logged in and logging time during the outage should have their time uploaded after the service was restored, please check to see if your time has been uploaded now. If you were not able to log into Worksnaps Client during the outage, please add the missing time as your offline time. 

 Service Outage (Resolved)

[5:58pm GMT 03/26/2023]

There is a Database issue within our infrastructure. The service is currently down. We are working on the issue. 

[6:20am GMT 03/26/2023]

Our system admin has identified the issue with the Database and is currently rectifying the problem. 

[9:40pm GMT 03/26/2023]

The issue has been resolved and the service is back online. There might be some screenshots that are in pending status waiting to be processed. Those screenshots will be processed shortly. 

[9:50pm GMT 03/26/2023]

The service is back to normal operation. 

Due to the lengthy outage, for the users who were already logging time during the outage, some time might be missing. Please add offline time for your missing time slots to claim the work hours. 

 Service Outage  (Resolved)

[07:55am GMT 07/04/2022]

There is connectivity issue with our datacenter. The service is down now.
We are working on the issue and try to resolve the issue ASAP.

[08:20am GMT 07/04/2022]

The issue has been resolved and we have gotten the service up running.

There are some delays in processing the screenshots and marking them to be active. We expect the processing to catch up shortly.

 Service Outage (Resolved)

[03:10am GMT 02/04/2022]

There is connectivity issue with our datacenter. The service is down now.
We are working on the issue and try to resolve the issue ASAP.

[04:40am GMT 02/04/2022]

The service has been restored. 

You should be able to log in using Worksnaps Client and log time now. The web console should also be available.

Due to the outage, there are a large number of queued screenshots being sent to the servers. Therefore it will be a delay in processing the screenshots. You might see a number of recent screenshots in "Pending" status. They will be marked active when the servers catch up with the job to processing them. 

We are actively monitoring the health of the system.


  • For the users who were already logged into Worksnaps Client and started to log time before the outage took place, there should not be missing logged time. During the outage, the time would be saved on the local computer and uploaded to the server after the service was restored. 
  • For the users who tried to log into Worksnaps Client but could not do so due to the outage, there will be missing work time. Please add the missing time as offline time. Here is the help document on how to add offline time -- How to add offline time for yourself : Support (freshdesk.com)

 Service Outage (Resolved)

[11:30pm GMT 01/24/2022]

There is connectivity issue with our datacenter. The service is down now.
We are working with the datacenter operator to resolve the issue ASAP.

[1:00am GMT 01/25/2022]

The connectivity issue at our datacenter has been resolved. The servers are back online. 

You should be able to log in using Worksnaps Client and log time now. The web console should also be available.

Due to the outage, there are a large number of queued screenshots being sent to the servers. Therefore it will be a delay in processing the screenshots. You might see a number of recent screenshots in "Pending" status. They will be marked active when the servers catch up with the job to processing them. 

We are actively monitoring the health of the system.

[2:10am GMT 01/25/2022]

The service is completely back to normal operation.