If you have just signed up a Worksnaps account and want to create a new project, here is how you do it. 

1. You can find Create My First Project button on welcome page ( Figure 1 ). Just click the button. 

 Figure 1 

2. Fill in the Project Name and Description ( Figure 2 ). Click the Submit button. 

 Figure 2 

3. The project will be created and you will be the owner as well a Manager in this new project. You will be taken to the project list page ( Figure 3 ). 

 Figure 3 

You will also be prompted to do the possible next step, such as download Worksnaps Client and start logging time yourself, or invite/create new users. You can follow the link to perform the operation that you want. 

If you already have projects and want to create another one, here is how you do it.

1. Go to Manage Tab ( Figure 4 ) and then go to Manage Projects, you can find Create Project button at the bottom this page. Click on it to create a new project. 

 Figure 4 

2. Fill in Project Name and Description. If you have existing Task Template, you will be able to select a Task Template to associated with the project (this is optional). Also you can add a list of users to the project by selecting the users and clicking button Add Selected User(s) to the Project. Then you can assign a role to each selected user in the project. Once everything is done, you can click Submit button. ( Figure 5 )

 Figure 5 

3. The new project will be created and appear on the Active Project list. You are the owner as well as a Manager in the project ( Figure 6 ).

 Figure 6