Zapier is a free integration platform that allows users to connect hundreds of other Apps. 

This topic describes how to create an example “Zap” that uses Trello App (You can choose any App as a "Trigger" or "Action", and here we use Trello as an example) as a “Trigger” and Worksnaps App as a "Action".


1. Get the Worksnaps App inviting URL for Zapier. Here is the invitation URL: 



2. Copy the above URL and paste into the browser and you will see this page (Figure 1).


 Figure 1 


3. Click "Accept Invite & Go To Dashboard" button as Figure 1. 


(If you have not logged in Zapier site, it will show the sign-in page. You can input Zapier account and password, then log in Zapier site. The page will be refreshed to be "You've Been Invited to Use Worksnaps on Zapier", click "Accept Invite & Go to Dashboard " button again, and you will be brought to the Zapier Dashboard page (Figure 2).

 Figure 2 


4. Click "Create this Zap" button in Figure 2 and you will come to the following page (Figure 3). 

 Figure 3 


5. Now you are on the Editor page. Here is a quick guide will walk you through creating a Zap.


Step 1. Choose a trigger and action

The first thing you will want to do is pick the trigger and action for your Zap. Use the drop-downs to choose the App in your Zaps to be Trigger App and Action App

1) Under “Choose a Trigger app...” select Trello and Create Board (Figure 4).

2) Under “Choose an Action app...” select Worksnaps and New Project (Figure 5). 

3) You will get the result shown as in Figure 6. Click "Continue" button to proceed to next step.


 Figure 4 

 Figure 5 

  Figure 6 

Step 2. Select a Trello account


1) If it is your first time creating a Zap using Trello, you can add an Trello account by using "Connected Accounts" (Figure 7). The step will start out looking like Figure 8. Then supply valid Email and Password to login in Trello (Figure 9) and allow Zapier use your account(Figure 10).Once you have provided valid connection details, the new account will appear and you can proceed.


 Figure 7 

 Figure 8 

 Figure 9 

 Figure 10 

2) If you have already connected to your Trello, You can choose which Trello account you want to use (Figure 11). 


  Figure 11 


Step 3. Select a Worksnaps account

As in the step 2, you can click "Connect a Worksnaps Account"  (Figure 12) and then supply the details, such as name which connected Worksnaps account on Zapier and API Token (Figure 14) .You can get the API Token from Worksnaps site (Log into Worksnaps and go to Profile and Settings and Web Service API and Show my API Token).  Once you have provided a valid connection details, you can click "Continue" button to proceed to step 4.


 Figure 12 

 Figure 13 

Step 4. Filter Trello triggers

The next step you will set up filters so that not all the instances of your trigger will trigger your Zap (Figure 15). A Filter is an optional feature you apply to a Zap to only make it fire when a certain condition is met. For example, if you want to send a text message when you receive a new email, you could use a Filter that only sends a text message when the email received is from a certain address. If necessary,you can click "Add a custom filter". Here choose "Continue" to ignore this step.


 Figure 14 


Step 5. Set up the mapping from Trello Board To Worksnaps Project

In this step you will create the object that will be added to the action App each time a trigger takes place (Figure 15). by clicking the "Insert a Field" button on the right of a field, you can bring up a list of fields you can include in your Zap (Figure 16). After choosing a field, a placeholder for that field will be inserted, such as "Name" and "Description" (Figure 17).


 Figure 15 

 Figure 16 

 Figure 17 

The boxes you see in step 5 can be treated as text boxes. Use multiple placeholders, spaces, static text, etc. to make your Zap output what you want. 


For required fields, make sure that your Zap will always be putting something in those fields. If you only have a single placeholder in that field and it comes through empty, then your Zap will return an error. Once you have provided valid fields, you can click "Continue" to proceed to step 6.


Step 6. Test this Zap

This step is for testing out your Zap before you turn it on. To start, click the "Test Trello trigger" button to load samples from the trigger app (Figure 18). 


 Figure 18 

Once your samples load you'll see 2 links and a "Test Zap with this sample" button for each sample (Figure 19). If you click on the "See trigger sample", you will see all the fields your Zap is pulling in, with the data corresponding to those fields alongside them.


Similarly, if you click on the "Send Test to Worksnaps", you'll see what the data you are using in your Zap will look like in the action App.

If you click the "Re-test this step" button, your Zap will send that sample to the action app. This is a great way of testing your Zap before turning it on to run automatically. 

 Figure 19 

Step 7. Name and turn this Zap on

The last thing to do is give your Zap a name (Figure 20). This only matters for identifying your Zap in the dashboard.

After that, you can click to "Turn Zap On" and your zap will be On!


Figure 20

The same thing, you can create Trello new card as Trigger and choose worksnaps task as App. Figure 21, Figure 22 and Figure 23 as below

Figure 21

 Figure 22

 Figure 23