Currently Worksnaps Client can run on Oracle Java environment. If your Java environment is OpenJDK on Linux, Worksnaps client might not be able to run well. Please follow the below instruction to set up Oracle Java environment. 

1. Check current Java version

If the Java has been installed on the machine. Please check the Java version using the following command . 

$java -version  

 Figure 1 

If your Linux machine has OpenJDK, please download Oracle JRE and install it.

2. Download and install Oracle JRE from

Download and install Oracle JRE from site, such as “jre-7u17-linux-i586.gz” (If your machine is 64-bit, please install 64-bit Java. Worksnaps client can work on both 32-bit and 64-bit Oracle Java).

3. Config Java Environment

(3a) Enter /etc/alternatives directory, remove the old java  (Figure 2)

 Figure 2 

(3b) Create a soft link to link java to Oracle Java.(Figure 3) (Example here: Oracle Java is installed at path /usr/java/jre1.7.0_17/bin/java)

 Figure 3 

(3c) Make sure that the link is made by executing "ls -l java" command(Figure 4 )

 Figure 4 

(3d) Enter /usr/lib/jvm directory, remove the current "default-java" (Figure 5)  (If your machine does not have default-java under /usr/lib/jvm folder, you can skip the step.)

 Figure 5 

(3e) link "default-java" to Oracle Java folder (Figure 6)

 Figure 6 

(3f) Then run command "ls -l" to make sure that "default-java" points to Oracle Java folder (Figure 7)

 Figure 7 

(3g) Logout Linux OS and Login again

Please check java environment by running command "java -version" to make sure that you are using Oracle Java (Figure 8). The output should not contain string "OpenJDK" anymore.

 Figure 8 

4. Download and Install Worksnaps Client (if you have not done so). Then run Worksnaps client (Figure 9).


 Figure 9